Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Thoughts on the "counterjihad" movement.

The CounterJihad movement is weak at the moment and falling into paradigm political traps.  The leftist stronghold leadership has patience and knows how to tap into the human ideas of morality to play the people against their natural societies.

The reason the CounterJihad is not as effective as it could be is because it is a defensive movement. It wears it's mission statement like a badge of pride on its sleeve to generations of people who have been raised to be insecure and see pride as a sin against the common good. It rides out every time to meet the foes head on without any strategy other than the self appointed position of its ideals and wonders why it loses.

I suggest the CounterJihad re-invent itself and stop allowing the aggressors to make the rules.

Points I will make:

1. The overall lack of community involvement beyond protest and instigation.

We are living in a time where the average person in a western country is raised from birth to ignore politics and focus completely on materialism, and workplace productivity. Their interests include binge drinking, shopping, vacationing once a year and finding ways to feel good about their lack of personality. This is why the left wing institution is completely successful. It gives them that moral outlet by elevating inaction to the same status as action. Perception becomes truth, and moral support becomes accomplishment.

This can easily be derailed by leading by example. Which leads me to my next point:

2. Re-invent the green movement. Self sustainability and rural cultural renaissance. This is the single most important issue of establishing a cultural foothold. The craftsmen, farmers, artisans, tradespeople have all had their rural passion and work ethic stripped from their professions to be replaced by entitlement unions and socialist moralism. I will elaborate:
Getting off of oil is the number one priority for the entire world. While it has given us our entire modern civilization, now is the time to move forward (not in the communist/socialist sense). Cultural preservation, species preservation and natural sciences are the CounterJihad's best friend. The commies took over the green initiative from Nazi Germany and implemented it in their feel good moral politics. The rate of toxic shit that every western nation is dumping into the earth is out of control. Massive climate change and the disappearance of species is at an all time high and the brunt of the population know this, and feel horrible but are too comfortable to do anything about it because of the lack of leadership and positive examples in their lives. Sadly, the left wing are the only ones willing to even evaluate and say that the economy isn't as important as the earth.

Two main things that can be addressed; Corrupt corporations like Monsanto are implementing massive GMO policies destroying natural lands, crop yielding ecosystems and are a large cause of a lot of ecological problems for the world today, as well as the rise of cancer and other horrible ailments. These massive and inefficient globalist farms are also the main sources of greenhouse gasses and pollution as well as the destruction of self sustainability and local economies that Europe used to have. This can be countered by actively participating in community gardens, re-inventing farms in the European landscapes and re-instating grassroots communities for organic, and sustainable methods of farming. Teach the people how to feel good again instead of letting them go through life thinking they are doing good by merely subscribing.

Second issue; The attack on alternative energy has to be stopped. Instead of outright denouncing wind power and green initiatives the counter jihad must take them over and make them their own. This is something that needs to be addressed and that is the one-stop solution for all ideology that still exists within the movement. Solar panels, wind generators and actual diversification of ideas to power communities is what is needed to get off of fossil fuels that fund the very people currently overthrowing the west. This diversification of ideas is also a philosophy that needs to be applied to every strategy and tactic of confrontation. The movement suffers from the singular approach.

see: www.zeitnews.org for a blog run by people making discoveries, contact them and get involved.

With the total increase of urbanization the rural Europe has taken a backseat. The culture isn't lost, it has just been ignored for the glamour of materialistic nightlife and whimsical juvenilism. The youth and young adults of today have been handed a world where all of their senses can be overwhelmed all at once. They have become addicted to what is easier by a corrupt political elite that wants them to be worker drones to fulfill their lust of their economic religion.

3. Positive-Aggressive social warfare.

Enough with the whining about the decline of the Nation state. This is what is pushing people away from their culture because you keep attacking their current party. Instead of showcasing how it is declining, get the hordes of people out into the streets singing and dancing to show how more awesome your party is than theirs. You need to build a parallel society like the Muslims are doing and stop relying on corrupt officials to rule in your favour.

The EU will fail, and if you aren't ready to offer your society in it's place, then so will you.

4. Leave God at home.

The self righteousness of Christians involved with the CounterJihad is a giant factor in why it doesn't get more support. While under your world everyone is free to express themselves, you have to convince a society of atheistic hedonists why they should come back to their culture. This isn't going to work if you raise a system of belief in their face that they have been conditioned to regard with contempt. Again with the Positive-Aggressive social warfare. Focus instead on human values, and positive community, and not peoples beliefs about the world and politics. This point is more so for Americans than Europeans, because right now their Republican Party is seriously out of touch with the world by allowing their religion to influence social policy and is the weapon in which Obama will be able to use to win.

5. Educate your movement. You need to proliferate skills, and fast. Roundup all the carpenters, plumbers, computer scientists, veterans and military personnel you have in your ranks and start sharing the skills. You need Artisan solutions to your problems. If you can showcase beautiful things in the place of the current socialist regime's worship of ugly things, then you will win. People will choose you every time. Europe is a place of aesthetic beauty that has allowed post modernism to scar it. Just look at the ugly horrendous shit buildings stripped of their cultural appeal down to the bare concrete. This is the lie of the "progressive." You need to make yourselves into the very examples of culture and society you want to see in this world. A group of people devoted to life through your actions and creations. You will win because of that.

6. Have children. This is a life and death situation for the entire peoples of Europe. Have a shitload of children and take all the initiative and benefits that the governments are offering you. Start farms, become sustainable and build up the parallel societies into autonomous communities. TAKE BACK YOUR COUNTRIES! You must accept the end of the materialist lifestyle and glamour culture. No more urban degenerate behaviour. High standards, and positive motivated choices. Money must become meaningless to you as your culture and a new heritage is more important.

To summarize: Europe needs a new renaissance. It suffers from decadence and apathy. The lack of respect of Muslims is due to the lack of respect people have for themselves, their heritage, their culture, their history and their praising of a narcissistic false-identity. No surrender must also mean no surrender to lazyness. There must be motivation, there must be rebirth!

The days of reaction must end, or else you will be confined to the dustbins of a reactionary movement.

Feel free to comment. All left wing idiocy will be challenged, and if I feel like it, deleted because I don't care about proving anything to you. I don't care about your feelings, and I don't care about your utopian world of slavery.


  1. While the "self righteousness of Christians involved with the CounterJihad is a giant factor in why it doesn't get more support," the knowledge of Christians and the historical background of Christianity itself is extremely important to the CJ.
    Christians have a platform from which they can challenge Islam directly, implacably and successfully. They have in the past. They will again in the future.
    Secularists can attack the effects of Islam. Christians, if they know their doctrines and differences, can challenge and discredit its first principles.
    And like it or not, the fusion of Christianity with the Graeco-Roman West was what created the force that fought Islam with success before.
    I know of no secular program of culture that is strong enough to either withstand or resist Islam and the terror the Mohammedans use in conquest.
    The worst approach you can take to this conflict is the ahistorical one.
    St. John Damascene. St. Thomas Aquinas. Henri Pirenne. Emmet Scott. Get to work. These people know what it will take to successfully resist Islam.

    1. You are correct, but also don't see the point. The problem isn't with Christianity, the problem is with the lack of self of everyone else who has been raised to reject Christianity, and all forms of western religion and roots. Period.

  2. Quote:
    Just look at the ugly horrendous shit buildings stripped of their cultural appeal down to the bare concrete.

    The stark style you're referring to is endemic to the architecture of the Middle East.
    Buildings designed by Westerners look like sculptures, art is integral.
    Again, more evidence that the world of the Hagarenes has moved out of Arabia.
